March 2, 2016
Fourteen years ago, I embarked on my Salesforce journey by attending a "boot camp" in beautiful San Francisco. A few months later, I completed the certification process that qualified our company to become an official Salesforce partner. At that time, certifications were awarded to companies rather than individuals. Achieving certification involved creating a Salesforce instance based on requirements gathered during conversations with a Salesforce employee who played the role of “the client.” When they were satisfied with your work, your company earned the partner certification. Back then, the Salesforce partner ecosystem was so small, I believe it was managed by just one person!
The early years of selling Salesforce were tough. Web-based business applications were not widely accepted, and the idea of offering “rented” software was met with a lot of skepticism. In fact, I was thrown out of several meetings simply for suggesting it. After 9/11, many businesses froze their capital spending, and the CRM consulting firm I worked for went under. That was the moment I decided to start my own one-person CRM consultancy.
Since then, I’ve been fully immersed in Salesforce, working on more than 150 implementations, primarily as a contractor for other Salesforce partners. Last May, I brought together four talented team members to establish an independent CRM consultancy, which we proudly branded as Value Stream Consulting. And just last week, we achieved a significant milestone—becoming an official Salesforce partner.
It may have taken 14 years, but we’re thrilled to be part of this journey and excited for what’s to come!